Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm Alive: Confessions of a former fangirl.

Yeah  I know I only have two entries, but it's been a stressful year.  Now that my boyfriend and I are settled into our new place, I have more time to plaster my attention to writing in this thing. Which I should be doing anyway to hone some craft in the creative fields if I'm ever going to pursue anything in the field. Plus writing is all I got cause I'm still working on my drawing.  And my drawing sucks due to lack of practice, so for the sake of say one person that reads this, I will not post any "current" works.  I'm not sure yet if I should even post my older stuff, because being 19 and enamored by anime back that then, it wasn't pretty.

Yes, I will stand up an admit it know since I've been on my own now for almost 5 year and have bills, that I was a fangirl. Albeit a poor one at that.  Had a fanfic and everything. But it was that very one fanfic that catapulted me into the skill of writing itself. To use words to describe another world on the screen or back then on paper and see how it will turn out amazed me.  Of course the fic I'm talking about is my power ranger fanfic that I wrote when I was like, 11 or 12 I think.

The girls are men in this picture. I wonder if every time they morph they undergo  a sex change.

I found my old box of stuff from way back when and found it.  Amused, I looked into it and just cringed at the bad grammar, bad pacing, the bad art (Yes! I drew pictures for the darn thing!) and atrocious handwriting. Mind you the story was handwritten and in a spiral notebook because growing up my family was way too poor to afford a computer and internet. And since I didn't know what "fan fiction" was at the time, I had no idea that I was writing it.  Either way the whole thing was an eye sore, but you know why I keep it?  I completed the darn thing.  162 pages.  I keep it as a reminder that no matter what bile vomits out of your head you have to keep at it until it's complete.  But it took me another  8 years to understand your story had to had plot. But of course being as I was I set off to another fandom years later, at age 17 coming home from a trip to Georgia with new play station in hand and a game called Final Fantasy 7.

I have the guilty conscience to admit I still have a soft spot for it since all the rest of the current games went to j-pop shit.  It really blew the door open and introduced me to the other realms of video games in terms of looking at story and game structure.  Sure, I've played Mario and other casual platform games at the time, but never really cared really about the stories or character.  And in one character in particular was not the the protagonist with the Chocobo Hair style, but his leather trench coat wearing antagonist, Sephiroth.

Polygons are HAWT!

Yes, I was so enamored by this character, I made a fan fic, with a mary-sure (honey, the works), and a web page. So how I would explain away with this fascination.  I don't know I guess because I came from a very tight nit religious family, that upon seeing this would tell me to get rid of it.  Like my tapes and CDs of bands I like, deeming them "unwholesome". This was my private get-a-way from that.  I was in school at the time and had, unknowingly at the time, depression and high anxiety issues and once again I needed an outlet and writing that FF7 fan fic go me back into writing again, but this time I will learn something different from this experience.

I learned that writing is a sort of dynamic skill that one must continue to exercise to get better at.  I noticed I put a lot of emphasize on setting and then pacing and progression.  I even learned how to plan my plot as ridiculous as it was. But my anxiety got in the way and I only attempted 7 chapters of the unfinished fic.  In my early twenties, I've even attempted to complete the darn thing, but over time I've just lost interest. The mary-sue character that I've been honing and creating all these years took a life of her own and I decided 2 years prior to pack this Fan Fic shit in and start a new. Creating a new story for her to run around in.

Now, I don't know if my writing is very good or that my story (or what's left of it) so far is interesting, but I'm enjoying it so far and keep trying to come back and have a go as they say.

So as of tomorrow, I'll make Sunday my article day.  It can be about anything, from the latest show I watched or what game I'm playing or the like.  That way I can take my time, write the bloody topic and then post it up in a weeks time.  This gives me a reasonable dead line.  So come back tomorrow and read my review on Doctor Who. The episode: The Girl Who Waited.

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